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Silver Dollar Pancakes w/ Nutella & Bananas

I forgot silver dollar pancakes existed. I don’t know why but they randomly popped into my thought process and it suddenly clicked. When I started to think how id like a order of pancakes to be prepared I thought a bananas foster kind of topping. Actually, thinking about it now I think I was thinking about bananas foster and all the stuff I’d like to put it on top of. That it would be great on pancakes but a mini version thus remembering silver dollar pancakes are a thing.

So as I was preparing to make this dish I had nothing but confidence in my pancake batter its actually my go to standard recipe. But, I was not confident in my skills with caramel. The first time I made caramel it was perfect and seemed to go seamlessly, which gave me a false confidence in my future attempts and I never once got it right again. But today my breakfast plan of getting up before everyone so I could have a nice quiet time in the kitchen went so well. I decided to give the caramel a try. So I’m making it and in comes the caramel separating. I decide to scratch that not even let it ruin my mood and quickly think of this Nutella sauce. Its quick and simple and so good. Don’t worry i’ll definitely work on my caramel making skills.



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