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Cod Fish Tacos w/ Wasabi Avocado Sauce

I was so excited for this recipe. I was eating sushi one day then making fish tacos the next. I was wondering what I could do to make fish tacos less boring especially since I’m not a huge fish fan. I looked through the kitchen and pantry then decided to make a game plan. I had recently cleaned the pantry and found bottle after bottle of wasabi. I had a huge container of pickle ginger sitting in the refrigerator. I spotted a couple perfectly ripe avocados I just knew it was fate. So thoughts start racing through my mind. Do I want to make a guacamole then add wasabi and ginger? Will it be too much? Will this recipe just overwhelm everything?
I make the sauce and its exactly how I imagined. This sauce will definitely be popping up again in the future. It was crazy addicting. If you try it out! Let me know what you think!



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