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Hoisin and Beer Marinated Pork Chops

I tend to over do it when I go to specialty markets. The over excitement of it all always gets me. I’ve even gone so far as to picking up a hand basket from the front instead of a cart to try and keep things at a minimum. The way I shop sometimes you’d think I was either a tourist and ill never see the store again or its like its going about of business and I must buy everything . With that being said I have a lot of seasoning and spices from a lot of specialty places and that keeps things fun. But most importantly it helps me become familiar with ingredients and helps me think about them in different ways.

Recently on my adventures into specialty stores I’ve been stepping out of my comfort zone. So even if I cant read the bottle I use some context clues and buy some pretty unique things. (Helpful tip take pictures of these bottles its crazy how similar things look especially when you have no clue what they say). Its expanded my cooking so much! To me those little bottles especially as the Asian grocery stores are just little bottles of authenticy it really makes your cooking seem like you know what you’re doing. Because lets face it some sauces have like 25 plus ingredients and no your favorite restaurant Is not making every single sauce from scratch. I’ll just leave it at the fried chilis in oil and meat bases and veggies bases have really stepped my game up. Don’t be afraid to try them out. Try something different next time you go . Let me know how you like this recipe!



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